Support within College
University life can have very extreme ups and downs, and it’s difficult to know what to do if you’re feeling a bit lost. There are a number of people with pastoral or welfare roles within college, so this page might list the person who can best help you. Trinity Hall has an extensive support network, but you can always get support externally if you think it would be better for you.

Welfare and liberation officers
Our main role is to support you during your time at Trinity Hall, so we hope to be your first point of call whenever any issues arise. We are happy, and trained, to talk about anything, whether that be related to work, family, friends, and anything in between. If you think that we cannot help you directly, we are more than happy to point you to someone who can, internal or external. See the Welfare page for our email addresses or come see us at a welfare drop in.
Trinity Hall Porters’ Lodge (Central Site) – 01223 332500 (Wychfield Site) – 01223 339029
Head Porter, Andrew Keenan:
There is always a porter on duty in central site, WYNG Gardens and Wychfield site. Porters’ responsibilities are wide-ranging, including assisting and signing in visitors, overseeing College security and undertaking fire safety duties. Porters are also fully trained to assist in an emergency and so are a good first point of contact for urgent student welfare matters, physical or mental.
College Nurse
Monday 9am-4pm, Wednesday 12-6pm, Friday 10-2.30pm
Jo Rhodes:
The College Nurse is there to see students who are ill, injured or who need someone to talk to in confidence about a health problem. This includes:
- Assessing and dealing with minor illnesses and injuries
- Referring students to other services for more serious illnesses
- Supporting students with long term health conditions and/ or disabilities (including asthma, allergies and diabetes)
- Provide support and care to students recovering from serious illnesses, accidents, operations or hospitalisation
- Providing support and advice on sexual and women’s health
- Raise awareness of general health issues
In practise, this means the nurse can visit students in their rooms or in hospital (as social distancing will allow), liaise with GPs and other health care professionals as needed and assist with the arrangements of GP, hospital and counselling appointments where assistance is required. Should you need to see the college nurse, you can drop in or she can always be contacted via email or phone. The College nurse is bound by the NMC Code of Conduct and Confidentiality.
Director of Studies (DoS)
Your DoS is responsible for organising your supervisions, and for taking care of your academic welfare in general; whether advising you on what courses to take, what lectures to attend or addressing any work-related problems you might have, your DoS is always at the end of an email. Your DoS can also help you resolve academic complaints and related matters such as changing supervisors or Tripos. They may work with your tutor should your issue involve both pastoral and academic care (e.g. intermission).
Tutors have combined roles of general pastoral care as well as acting as an administrative interface. They are a friendly face you will meet a couple of times a term, and are happy to talk to you about a wide variety of subjects including study methods, difficulties with supervisors, finance, illness, friends and family or other personal circumstances. If they cannot help you themselves, your tutor can also refer/signpost you to other services within Trinity Hall, the University or externally (e.g. GPs, hospitals and counsellors). You can always contact your tutor outside of these meetings to discuss any issues you might have.
It’s worth keeping your tutor posted on your welfare (e.g. you’re taking medication, family circumstances, struggling with something), as this will allow them to support your case if these issues need explaining to college: your tutor acts as an administrative interface between you, College, and the University. They help organise adjustments and access arrangements you may require for exams, consideration of and applying for intermission of study, change of Tripos, applications for financial assistance, applications for hardship funds, travel grants and other academic-related expenses. In addition, should you wish to file a formal/informal complaint they can help you through this process and any appeals you make.
You may request reassignment to another Tutor but reallocation will inevitably depend on another Tutor’s available capacity (more on this below). That being said, all Tutors are happy to offer advice to any undergraduate, as well as the Dean, Domus Tutor and Senior Tutor.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
The team works across the year with both undergraduates and graduates, consisting of a Mental Health Practitioner and Counsellor/Mindfulness Practitioner. As accredited and senior accredited counsellors, they can help you in a number of ways, including mental health support and liaison with college tutors or university departments, on your behalf, in matters such as intermission. You can find out more about the service here.
Revd Dr Stephen Plant:
The Dean is responsible for the life of the College Chapel and has a pastoral role among members of the College community. Although the Chapel and Dean are part of the Christian faith, they are both available to all members of College, students and staff, of all faiths or none. The Dean will be happy to talk to you about any issues or concerns, including matters of faith and spiritual life, studying, work, family, friends, health, bereavement, or if you just want a chat. He can also usually put you in touch with local leaders or contacts from your own faith tradition if needed.
The Dean welcomes any member of College seeking support. Any student (or staff member) who approaches the Dean should expect that what they tell him is in confidence and won’t be passed on without their express consent, unless the person speaking with him, or someone else about whom they are speaking, is at risk if information is not shared with the proper authority, or if a crime has been committed. The Dean is also a licensed minister in the Church of England, to which he is also accountable, and which requires him regularly to be trained in Safeguarding at the highest level.
Senior Tutor
Dr Clare Jackson:
The Senior Tutor has a wide range of responsibilities within College including overall responsibility for the delivery of undergraduate student education, for student welfare provision and maintaining close contact with College Welfare Staff. You can contact the senior tutor with any queries or concerns about welfare within college. They can also help you find the support you need for physical or mental health, make an informal/formal complaint or make applications for financial help, exam access arrangements and intermission. In a nutshell, the Senior Tutor acts as a tutor but is often involved in more serious matters such as serious health concerns, sexual assault and discrimiation. They are able to offer support whilst guiding you through the university system, so that you get the help you need.
Tutorial Office
Staff in the Tutorial Office are present during office hours (10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00, Mon-Fri) and are always happy to answer queries students might have, in person, on the phone or by email. Tutorial Office Administrators will provide administrative support in a wide range of issues (full list in the student handbook). If Tutorial Office staff can’t help with a query or problem, they are happy to refer you on to the right place.
- Julie Powley, Tutorial manager and Senior Tutor PA:
- Glen Sharp, Junior Bursar:
- Rosie Ince, Tutorial Registrar:
- Saskia Burton, Undergraduate Tutorial Administrator: