University procedures
Financial support
- General information on the cost of studying at Cambridge
- Overview of financial support for undergrads
- Website for the Cambridge Bursary Scheme
- College bursary information
Note: intermission is also sometimes known as Exceptional Permission to Go Out of Residence
- Section 1.4.4 in the Student Handbook
- Overview of role of Applications Committee
- Dates, forms etc. for Applications Committee
- Information on Medical Evidence for the Applications Committee
- Information on Disregarding Terms
Students with disabilities
- Overview of Disabled Students’ Allowance
- Disability Resource Centre
- Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students
Welfare support
- Health Guidelines on vaccination, meningitis and other health conditions
- University Counselling Service
- Mental Health Advisors
- Peer2Peer website
- Childcare Office
- Childcare Bursary Scheme
- Pregnancy, Maternity and Paternity
- Role of Tutors
Other useful links
- University Regulations
- Discipline and the University Courts
- Examination Access Arrangement
- Examination Allowances
- Examination Appeals
- Extension of submission dates for Dissertations, Essays and Projects
- Applications Committee (for allowances of examinations, disregarding terms, fee remission, withholding names from class lists etc.)
- Applying to have a car in Cambridge