Society procedures

This is in addition to the information contained in the JCR constitution. It is not all-encompassing, and the JCR constitution should be referred to alongside this document. If the JCR constitution and this document disagree, the JCR constitution should be assumed to be correct.

General Procedure

Societies must register through the JCR committee. The JCR committee has complete discretion over which societies are permitted. In order to receive funding, an application should generally contain the signatures of at least 10 members of college who would like to join that society. Initial funding may be given at any time of year, and is at the discretion of the JCR treasurer. After the initial application, all applications for funding should be presented to the treasurer by the start of Michaelmas term. The JCR is secular in nature, and will not fund societies whose aim is to promote religion. However, the JCR may recognise these as societies, other than allocating them funding.

Formation of a New Society

All applications to form a new society must go to the treasurer, and be further approved by the president or vice-president. This application should include the name of the society, details of permitted members and the types of activity the society intends to run (eg socials, dinners, talks, matches etc). It should also include any initial application for funding, as well as details of the society’s incoming president and any other committee members, as well as a copy of its rules.  If this funding is permitted in theory, it will still only be granted on production of appropriate receipts, detailing the costs involved and the reasons the costs were incurred.

Reimbursement of costs

Receipts must usually be provided in order for costs to be reimbursed. A decision to reimburse costs despite a lack of receipt is at the discretion of the JCR treasurer. Receipts should be provided either by email, or in the JCR treasurer’s pigeon hole with the full name of the person requiring reimbursement attached, and an explanation for the money requested, along with the name of the society that used the funds.

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