4. Email
You will need:
- Your Raven account details (CRSID and password)
- Internet access
- Another email client or address (optional+recommended)
Starting in 2018, all students and most staff have been moved to Microsoft’s Exchange Online, which includes email and calendar. Some may still be using Hermes but that has been widely removed.
Getting your email:
You’ll get a Microsoft Exchange Online email account once you’ve completed your student registration, collected your username (CRSid) and set up your UIS Password. Follow these steps: https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/new-starters/it-for-students/getting-started
Your login wil be your email/crsid with your password.
To access your email you can use the Outloop Webapp, however, my personal recommendation would be to get the app for PC and your phone.
Tip: Create a folder (and a rule) for all the spam you will inevtiably sign-up for at the fresher’s fair.
Setting up Other email clients:
If you really fancy using gmail’s interface for your cam email you can do it, but it will require more effort. Hope you find this guide helpful: https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/service/email/exchange-online/
You could also set it up so that all emails to your @cam email get redirected to you current working email like @gmail. This would mean you only have to one account. For further information please refer to: https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/service/email/delivery-option