Congratulations — you made it!
First and foremost, a big welcome from the JCR committee! We’re the elected student body charged with representing students at a college level on any and all relevant issues, and we’ll be doing our best to make your freshers’ week fantastic and help you all settle in as quickly as possible.
This section is intended to be a quick summary of all of the things you might want or need to know in the run-up to arriving, and for the first few weeks after you get here.
If you haven’t already then you should be receiving your freshers packs soon (although we can’t send these out until September when all places including the summer pool are confirmed), which will include lots of lovely things assembled for you by the Freps (First Year Reps), and more detailed instructions on arrangements for the start of term. We’ll also be keeping this area of the website updated with any extra information we think might be useful.
In the meantime, check out the pages in this section via the menu above.
Looking forward to meeting you all soon!
Bilal – JCR Webmaster